What questions do YOU have for US?

Thu July 23, 2015

Question to ask my interviewers:

What are the circumstance that lead to this job opening?

What is the structure of the department I will be working in?

What is the long term goal of the company in hiring for this position

  • release a set of new products? improve existing products? or both?
  • What is the company/departments stance on innovation? what I mean is as a company do you tend to stick to what has worked in the past or are you more bleeding edge stay ahead of the curve?

    On a scale of 0 to 10. o big none how much effort does the company/department towards new technologies?

    Does the company/ department accurately reflect the community at large?

    What is the companies stance on designing for accesibility?

    What is the company stance on social media blogging? twitter/quora?