
Monday Jun 15, 2015


Pair is an experience. it's always different and so far, no matter how many times I do it. It doesn't seem to get any less stressful. The inner voice is always there. Telling me that I probably don't know enough to be a good pair. But that is also the beauty of pair. I do learn something every time. I find something that my peer is doing well and I ask myself if I am doing that thing as well, or if could be doing it better. The most rewarding part of peer pairing is of course the relationship you build in the process. Not second to this is the admiration you tend to find do to the empathy you receive from the process. I find that perhaps the most frustrating part of peer pairing is usually the first 5-10 minutes. At least for myself, being vulnerable about where I am in the process in the first 5 minutes is not an easy pill to swallow. It is hardcoded in me to just give the cookie cutter response to the question "how are you doing?". I would rather have a face to face because I feel like being able to really read the other persons facial express will force me to see how those cookie cutter responses effect my pair.


When I final read my feedback I was definitely excited to see what my pairs have thought about there experience with me. Again my inner voice tells me that it could have been better. It makes me feel like an asshole when I give constructive feedback because I feel like my feedback has been less kind then the feedback I have received. the feedback I have received has been helpful to my ego, which is good and bad. As far as helping me learn it encourages me to continue doing the good things I have been doing. Based on the feedback I've received I think I need to drive less and become a better navigator. The most difficult thing for me to not do when writing my feedback is to not give advice and to not qualify my feedback with specifics. I know feedback is suppose to be actionable, specific, and kind ( not in that order... ) but I also want it to be anonymous so i'm trying to find that balance.

Overall I think peer pairing is a great tool to become a better person in general.