My Core values

Monday July 2, 2015

In general, I try to live up to and take pride in these values:
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Personal development
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Physical challenge
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Although last in this list Knowledge is my strongest value. I had to repeat the 3rd grade because at the time I was only reading at a 2nd grade reading level. I didn't like to read I liked to play, as most 3rd grades do. This had a tremedous impact on my identity because I was forced to change schools and live with an aunt. I no longer saw school as an fun enviroment and I began to cared very little about grades. As I progressed in school I came to see even clearer that school was about grades not about knowledge. No matter what I actually knew my performance was only judged by my grades and as most teens do, I found value in a place I felt no else did. this passion for knowledge has brough me to were I am today an although social that doesn't say much emotional and spiritually it is more then enough.
The last topic I was asked about was marriage and why I refuse to give into that particular social construct. I'll spear you the details. The long and the short of it is I know myself and I know better.
When I look at my values on the one one had I am sad that I do not have more. On the other had I kow that quality is better then quantity and the quality of my values are stronger then I though possible. I can stay focus on my values or rather be constintly remind of them, I can mediate the occurances of stereotype threat. I believe the other strength I have in combatting stereotype threat is diving head first into the things that make me fearful, with the knowledge that I am just one person and couldn't possible begin to be a represention of all the identity I identify with.
Quite possibly the best exercise I can perform when feeling down at DBC is talking to other people around me. Helping or just listening to someone else because it forces me to think about them and not myself.