First though's (not literally) about DBC

Tuesday May 20, 2015

From everything I’ve seen, heard, read, and researched, the DBC experience is not to be underestimated. What I took away from the Kitchen talk with Shereef was realizing that, from the moment I started watching the video, and since I had started the phase-0-unit-1/week-1 work , I was in the restaurant mindset.I was in a position of expecting something because I paid for it. I agreed whole heartedly that falling into that idealism was easy and automatic, and trainned. However what knowledge did was encourage me to, at that very moment, switch out of that mindset. I hate to say this because I know how it might be taken, but listening to Shereef as he spoke about those different mindset, almost felt like I was “drinking the Koolade”, at a cult. I was an instant believer in making this journey my own. I wan to get the most out of this experience and for me that means talking control and responsibility for my own learning.

My impression of Devbootcamp is that they are retraining the mind more then teaching a curriculum. I wish I was encouraged sooner to find this program because I would have started to prepare for it a whole lot sooner. I and scared that 9 weeks isn’t enough!

In order to be engaged by this culture i have to constantly remind myself that my learning is in my control, I have to constantly remind myself this is not the last hurdle to the career I want it is only half of a percent of the way there. I know that with these thing constantly in my I will continue to push myself, i will continue to be challenged by my own learning and I will continue to explore the subject that will make up web development

My expectations have only got more scarce. Not because I feel that DBC has less to offer me but because I am in control of the process. coming into the program I was confronted by the idea that there is a small dropout rate, I was comforted by the prospect of job placement. watching the video has further educated me on the reason for those circumstances, it’s not just that the program is amazing. it’s because the people who embark on this experience have a vested interest in there learning.

My level of excitement to be honest is at the point of tears. Like a child on christmas day waiting to open his first present, sadden by the rule that you have to go to church first. I am torn between to extremes, I want to be there. I want to be in phase 3 collaborating, building my network of amazing self driven, individuals, but at the same time I want to absorb as much knowledge as possible in preparation for when I finally start my career.

My nerves are firing like rockets… although that could be the coffee hitting me.

things that came up for me after watching the video

  1. I need to ask way more question
  2. So this is really designed as a 9 week bootcamp? the first 9 weeks are prep!! #mindblown
  3. onsite begins at 9 and official ends at 6, and there are no teachers after 6…hmmm