
Name: Erick L. Gist II
Occupation:Currently in transition


It's not visible on most globes and it's often the punch line of jokes regarding places no one has ever heard of. It's called Guam. Their 'motto' is "Were America's day begins". This is where I was born and where I spent half my life. In case you are wondering, the motto refers to the fact that Guam is a U.S. territory (that means I'm legally American), but it's timeszone is 10 hours ahead of the UTC.
I attended 3 highschools one on Guam, one in Australia, and one in California. Since being in california I have taken class in serveal Junior colleges, including Napa Valley Junior College, Santa Rosa Junior college, San Mateo College, Foothill College, and De Anza College. I would probably have a degrees if I transfered all my credits but an AS degrees really doesn't take you very far so whats the point.
My Interests have always lead me down the beaten path. Music, poetry, drama, computers, motorcycles, videogames, philosophy. After reading that last sentence a part of me believes that most, if not all, of those things are no longer that obscure. I wanted to be a graphic designer when I got out of highschool, then I wanted to be a mechanic, then I wanted to be musician. I have skills in all these area's but I am by no means an expert in any of them. What has always persited is my willingness to chase after whatever was in my heart at the time, and my openness to learning as much as I could in the process. My greatest interest is knowledge, my most frequent hobby is learning new things. However Writing code as always been different it's stood out to me from the very first introduction. My experience is best explained by thess 2 youtube video Why our kids should learn to code & Why we code. In short coding has always been about the creation of something. Usually something from nothing. It's alwasy been about turning something you dreamed about or though about into something that actually exist.Something quirky about me is that I call my grandparents mom and dad. Also... when sings I usually default to the background vocals.