Atom and other things

Monday Jun 29, 2015

I've been trying to use Atom as my defacto text editor for the past few days and I found a few things I thought I'd share with you. If you are considering switching text editors (which if you are reading this you are), then I can recommend Atom 1.0. For one thing the version control support is on point. If you make a change to a file that is already tracked by git then Atom gives you an indication of whether that change has been saved, staged, or commited. This is done by color coding the file(s) in question.

This of course depends on the theme you are using. Atom is also a web based text editor and open source. Atom supoprts all major programming languages, it also support Git markdown, commit, and rebase message. This is actually no suprise since the whole idea for this text editor came from the GitHub community. However none of theses things are the real reason I am writing this post.
for me the biggest draw to using git other then the cost (FREE!!!) is that it is easily extentable. there is a huge community built around make Atom an amazing product. and there are a few packages I think you can't do without. Script, and AtomPair, like I said i've been trying to make Atom my exclusive text editor so right now the list is short. Script is a package for runnning the code you write. it's like a complier for your text editor. and AtomPair is for collaboration. if you are a programmar or hope to one day be a programmer these are to thing you use very often.